IN THE NEWS: Alphapals Featured in Harper’s Bazaar “Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide”
December 02, 2022
Alphapals 26 plush educational alphabet toys have been advertised in Harper’s Bazaar in their December 2022/Jan 2023 New Art Issue Holiday Gift Guide! There’s no denying our cuddly sensory toys are an excellent gift for kids of all ages. Our Alphabet sensory toys are designed for both kids, parents and teachers in mind. What a great way to keep your children’s minds sharp this holiday season while they’re away from school. Our plush ABC letters are designed for a hands-on and interactive learning experience with an equally adorable bag that makes clean up fun and convenient. With a clean and sleek aesthetic, all 26 of our Alphapals plush toys are available in cream, light grey, dark gray, or rainbow colors guaranteed to fit your aesthetic!