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How to Read a Ruler: Comprehensive Guide for Kids

The lessons toddlers and preschoolers learn through early childhood development help shape their understanding of their world. They provide the basic building blocks to develop more complex skills. Te

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Math Mastery Unveiled: Math Milestones by Age

We often think of math skills as something that begins developing in preschool and kindergarten, but the truth is that the process starts much sooner. In this guide, we'll trace math skills from birt

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What Is Math Readiness and How to Prepare Your Kiddo

Math readiness is integral to children's development, as it helps them understand how numbers represent the world. Preschool math introduces young learners to concepts like number recognition, countin

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Learn How to Spell with Alphapals

Strong spelling skills are important for children to communicate effectively and develop overall literacy. The quality of their spelling has far-reaching impacts on their future education and even the

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Unlocking Confidence in Speech: Fluency Shaping

Fluency shaping is a type of speech therapy treatment that can help to improve stuttering. It encompasses a variety of teaching techniques aimed at improving speech fluency, or the ability to produce

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Building Literacy Skills with Alphapals

Young kids primarily develop literacy skills through exposure to oral language, books, and meaningful interactions. Early literacy helps with a child's self-expression, cognitive development, and read

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What Is the Alphabetic Principle?

Most literary experts agree that early alphabet learning for kids aged 2-6 is the cornerstone of their learning and intellectual development. It allows preschoolers to acquire vital reading and compre

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How Autism Affects Learning in the Classroom

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can profoundly impact a child's learning experience by hindering their ability to process academic instruction and develop language and communication skills. Research sh

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Strategies and Teaching Tips for Special Education

Once parents understand that their child is different from others, the journey toward finding the correct help can be arduous. Finding the right organizations or individuals who have the training for

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How to Teach Measurement: Measuring Activities for Kids

Understanding numbers and basic measurement concepts is essential for preschoolers' early childhood development. These skills form a basis for how kids order and quantify the world around them.  Paren

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What Is Number Recognition?

Picture a preschooler eagerly exploring the world of numbers by counting objects like crayons they use to color or food items in their snack. Numbers are everywhere, from telephone numbers to street s

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Alphapals: Awards and Achievements

Mom’s Choice Award  In 2021, The Mom's Choice Awards highlighted certain products and services tailored towards children, families and educators. Alphapals is pleased to report that their classic larg

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